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Frequently asked questions
Diabetes Care

Prevention is always better than cure, especially in the case of diabetes. And if one is at an increased risk of diabetes, like being overweight or with a family history of the disease, prevention becomes all the more vital and a priority. Diabetes prevention is as basic as eating more healthfully, becoming more physically active and losing a few extra kilos — and it's never too late to start. Making a few simple changes in your lifestyle now may help you avoid the serious health complications of diabetes down the road, such as nerve, kidney and heart damage among the many others.

At VG Advantage, the focus is on nipping it at the bud, or rather, not letting the bud of diabetes see the light of the day. With customized exercise regimens, dietary support through fiber rich and whole grain foods and education for at risk patients, the primary objective to stop diabetes in its tracks is skillfully met. Talk to us to know more about our Specialized Diabetes Prevention Programs.

Foot Care for Diabetes

Diabetes has many effects on the feet, and it is extremely important that any patient with diabetes seeks podiatric care. Approximately 1 in 3 diabetics have peripheral nerve disease that risks lower leg amputations. Diabetes is the leading medical cause of lower limb amputations worldwide.

At VG Advantage, we are committed to helping you put your best foot forward against diabetes by taking adequate and specialized care of your feet through regular assessment with advanced digital foot assessment equipment. Foot care starts with identifying, protection and preventing future disease. Identifying which foot is at an increased risk is vital. At ADVANTAGE a bioesthesiometer and ankle brachial index Doppler will be performed at your initial visit and any future risks with regards peripheral nerve disease or arterial disease will be diagnosed and treated accordingly with the aim to prevent any harm to the feet.

Nutritionist Consultation

When you're diagnosed with diabetes, nagging questions like what can one eat? will one be able to transition smoothly from existing daily habits? will the future be secure? etc. can linger on in the mind. Don't worry, you're not alone! Support is available right here @ VG Advantage. Our nutrition centric programs are designed to meet each person's unique needs with one-on-one consultations with a Registered Dietitian. We help you develop an eating plan for your diabetes that takes into consideration your lifestyle and special nutrition needs along with education and support, in an environment that works best for you.

It is not only about understanding the foods that are NOT good for you but also how to balance the bad foods (i.e. foods with a high glycemic index and glycemic load) on a daily basis. 50% of the diabetics do not achieve their sugar targets that is 3 month average hBA1c of less than 7%. In India this is predominantly due to the act that an average Indian consumes 2-3 times the carbohydrate content per day compared to what the human body was designed to handle. Honestly in this big BAD WORLD with a life-style that just doesn't allow the average diabetic to live in (LADDDUS, ICE-CREAMS, CHOCOLATES, PASTRIES, the myth that JAGGERY is better than SUGAR etc) understanding how to balance your meals becomes important which is what we teach you at ADVANTAGE. We start of with a dietary regimen that is conducive for you and over time teach you how to relax your meals and introduce foods that one often likes not necessarily good for diabetics. You can start smiling now…….

For pregnant women diagnosed with diabetes, this consultation includes an overview of gestational diabetes, instructions on how to monitor your blood sugar levels, and meal planning tips for balanced nutrition.

Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss is a complicated journey that affects many aspects of a person's life. For those struggling with excess weight, diabetes, or both, we offer diet and exercise based programs for better health and weight management. With personalized guidance and approach, we offer individualized treatment based on each person's specific needs with the goal to make lifelong changes to improve health and well-being.

Every single weight-loosing program has a 100% failure rate over 2 years. For any program to be successful a minimum of 5 hours of cardiovascular exercise per week is essential. The first obesity treatment guideline got published after over 50 yrs of endocrinology in 2014, exemplifying the importance and difficulty in setting a guideline for weight loss, as no one regimen fits all. What was of note in the endocrine guidance that a minimum of 16 and over visits a year were required by the patient in order to keep the weight off. This makes sense that the endocrinologist/nutritionist kept the spirit of the patient and compliance going as it gets difficult to maintain any regimen monotonously for more than 3 months following which most patients fatigue and stop visiting the healthcare provider as they get disappointed.

Our program at ADVANTAGE is very unique as it provides

  • 6 visits, once every week. Patient has to visit us once a week for 6 weeks during which the diet changes in quality, texture, tone, nutritional content, in order to keep the interest of the patient alive and get the job done
  • 6 FREE exercise sessions once a week with our specialist trainer who assesses you and chooses an exercise regimen to fit the need of the weight loosing program

At ADVANTAGE we get you acquainted with the idea of body shaping stimulating and invigorating you with the right type of food and infuse the gift of exercise. It is body shaping that is more important as abdominal waist circumference of 1 cms reduction confers approximately 2% relative risk reduction for the heart. Amazing isn't it!!, For further enquiries call: +919769327322


A unique feature at VG Advantage is specialized personalized exercise training room/gym molded to suit your needs. Guided under the instructions of Dr. Vishal Gupta himself, exercise regimens and training happens right at the clinic premises, in a fully equipped facility managed by a master certified trainer 1 on 1 who not only knows what to do but what NOT TO DO, which is more important.

We specialize in training both regular people with poor conditioning and multiple ailments (heart, kidney, joint problems etc) as occurs with most diabetics but also athletes of national caliber. This means, no going to a gym, meeting an unknown fitness trainer and relying on the gym time slots or getting embarrassed to exercise in front of others. Personalized care does not get better than this. For membership call: +919594663557


At ADVANTAGE we are proud to announce the first in-house pharmacy (VG ROYAL CHEMIST). Our pharmacy is fully equipped, well stocked and is at your disposal 24/7. For patients on our yearly diabetes packages we offer a 10% discount on all pharmacy products purchased at our pharmacy. No running around for medicines or accessories again, as we have it all in store, right here for your convenience.

For further enquiries call: +919867450230

Laboratory Service

At ADVANTAGE a well equipped and state of the art laboratory (nationally certified) awaits you here. Cutting down on your waiting time and eliminating the need to go searching for the nearest lab, avail world class services right here at VG Advantage. For patients on our yearly diabetes packages we offer a 10% discount on all blood and urine tests. We also offer home collection services in order to save time. Physical hard copies of the reports and for the environmentally conscious email of all the reports are sent to the practice and you respectively.

For further enquiries call: +919324710460

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